Title: The Keeper
Medium: Painted Celotex over wooden frames, electronic stepping system,
programmed siren-like sound, 9 speakers
Size: 8' (h) x 4' (w) x 6" (d) each panel, in 9' (h) x 9' (w) x 13' (d) room
Installed: ThomasLewallen Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, May - June, 1977
Electronics by William C. Kingsbury
The Keeper diagram
A spiral sound line passing through nine 8 foot panels. The panels are pale pastel pink and yellow. The speakers are placed so that the sound line makes a half ellipse around the space at a level of 4 ½ feet from the floor. The loops of the spiral are heard from inside the panels and the arcs between the loops are heard in the spaces between the panels.
(words identifying parts of the top view diagram: outside, upper rt. corner "ultrasonic sensor", inside closet "electronics", inside room-lower rt. corner "spiral sound line")